日頃よりSelieuをご愛顧いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 地金や製造コストの高騰に伴い、2024年9月17日(火)より一部の商品の価格改定をさせて頂く事となりました。誠に遺憾ではございますが、今後も、皆様にご愛用いただけるような、素敵な商品をお届けできるよう努めてまいりますので、何卒ご理解のほどお願い申し上げます。
Caution regarding counterfeit products
Feb 24, 2024Thank you for using Selieu. We have confirmed that our existing business partner in China is manufacturing counterfeit products of Selieu products and selling them as Selieu products at several online shops listed below.
<Important> Caution regarding counterfeit products (Japanese)
Feb 24, 2024Thank you for your continued patronage of Selieu . We have confirmed that an existing business partner in China is manufacturing counterfeit products of Selieu and selling them as Selieu products at the following online stores .
<Important> Prevent counterfeit products (Chinese)
Feb 24, 2024Thank you for your trust and choice towards S elieu ever since . Survey on the phenomenon of our company's products imitating agents in China and selling fake products under the name of Selieu on the following online shopping platforms:
Notice of shipping during the New Year holidays
Dec 21, 2023Thank you very much for your continued patronage of Selieu. We are grateful that we were able to enjoy our activities again this year thanks to you all. The online shop's business hours for the New Year holidays will be as follows.