<Important> Prevent counterfeit products (Chinese)
Feb 24, 2024Thank you for your trust and choice towards S elieu ever since .
Survey on the phenomenon of our company's products imitating agents in China and selling fake products under the name of Selieu on the following online shopping platforms:
The appearance and specifications of these fake products are very similar to our company's products , but even though they are not produced by our company, there is a huge difference in quality between them and our products . These fake goods are of poor quality and may severely damage our brand image and cause damage to you . The company is strictly responsible for any unauthorized reproduction of products.
< Stores currently selling fake products >
Taobao: ARTCHIC ( closed )
RED (Little Red Book): ARTCHIC
・The photo shows the genuine brand " Selieu ", "Made in Japan" and other false information, and produces and sells fake products.
・The images on this company's product pages and SNS are reproduced by me .
・I reproduce the product names and product descriptions .
The company manufactures, sells and sells fake goods and in accordance with applicable legal measures will take appropriate measures. In order to avoid mispurchasing fake products, please purchase from retailers and online stores authorized by our company.
We cannot provide false warranty , refund or exchange services . We do not bear any responsibility in this matter, so please be careful when purchasing to avoid errors .
In addition, the following online stores have no business dealings with our company. The origin of the products sold is unknown and the reproduction of the product pages and published images of this company is not permitted , seriously infringing on the intellectual property rights of this company. Dear customers, please do not purchase products from these online stores .
< Stores currently under investigation for infringement>
Taobao: emo overseas collection
Taobao: Flowers of Tokyo
Regular online store ( international mail accepted) https://selieu.com
For other regular stores , please click here .
For methods and steps regarding international postage , please click here .
Please continue to support us in the future.